Une uchi deshi au dojo

Anna, du dojo Bergen Student Aikido Club à Bergen en Norvège, a passé un mois en tant qu'uchi deshi (élève à demeure) au mois de juin 2022.

"As I'm finishing my stay as uchideshi at Ann Jyou Kan - Cercle d'Aikido Parisien, I would like to thank sensei Anne Ducouret and other members of this dojo for allowing me to participate in the uchideshi program under their supervision as this experience has both helped me develop as an aikido practitioner in terms of different techniques and exercises, and broadened my understanding of interpersonal relationships within a dojo in relation to etiquette, respect and positive interactions, as well as my understanding of the way that a dojo should function. I now also have a better idea of the things that I need to work on in the future, such as my engagement, concentration and reactiveness during different exercises as well as better connection with my training partners."